Google Analytics Tracking

Overview of Google Analytics Tracking

For information on how to set up your site for search engine optimization, see Configure Site for SEO.

MarketDirect StoreFront provides support for Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager (GTM) to collect statistical information on traffic, user behavior, and eCommerce from the MarketDirect StoreFront website.

Google Analytics show you how people found your site, how they explored it (and for how long), what pages they visited, and how you can enhance their visitor experience. Additionally, when using Google Analytics in conjunction with Google Tag Manager, you can track more granular site behavior such as abandoned shopping carts, conversion rates, and eCommerce data. This information can help you more effectively optimize and monetize your MarketDirect StoreFront website.

Note that the site traffic Information captured will be stored on the tracking application provider's site (e.g., Google Analytics) and MarketDirect StoreFront administrators will have to log into the provider's web site to retrieve the information. The information will not be stored or retrievable in or from MarketDirect StoreFront.

What is Google Analytics Tracking for?

When should you use it?

Google Analytics and similar site tracking systems gather information about how visitors to your site use the site. It tracks what pages they visit and what they do (i.e., download the PrintMessenger print driver, order a product, etc.).

When you want to monitor how site visitors are using your site and gather data you can analyze to optimize your site.

What is Google Tag Manager for?

When should you use it?

Google Tag Manager is a centralized tag management system that allows you to easily apply measurement codes (i.e. tags) on your website. These tags can be used to track specific user behaviors such as product clicks, abandoned shopping carts, and transactional eCommerce data.

When you want to monitor more granular website data, specifically related to conversions and eCommerce transactions.

MarketDirect StoreFront administrators can either use Google Analytics independently or in conjunction with Google Tag Manager. Using Google Analytics independently requires less setup and configuration but yields fewer website analytics and data points. Using Google Analytics in conjunction with Google Tag Manager requires a bit more setup time but yields more granular website analytics, specifically eCommerce metrics such as products added to a shopping cart, abandoned shopping carts, and revenue-based reporting.

What would you like to do?

Set up a Google Analytics account

Set up a Google Tag Manager account

Enable Google Analytics tracking

Enable Google Analytics tracking with Google Tag Manager

Import MarketDirect StoreFront GTM Tags

Information MarketDirect StoreFront sends to Google Analytics

Configure your site for SEO

See Also


         Dynamic Query Tool

         Creating a New Query with the Dynamic Query tool

         Customer Order History


         Event Log

         Transaction Log

         Logs and Reporting - Contents