Email Notifications

Email notifications exist at two levels in MarketDirect StoreFront—at the site level and at the company level. You will access the Company-Level Email Notifications page from the Manage Company page.

MarketDirect StoreFront sends email notifications messages to users in these and similar situations:

        To welcome new registered users

        To provide users with a new password if they have clicked Forgot your password? on the login page

        To send a manual quote for user approval from the Quote Editor page

        To alert buyers when their order status changes

        To alert specified Print Shop personnel when there is an MIS communication failure, spending account usage activity, critical errors in the system, etc. 

For a description of each email notification and information about when and to whom it is sent, see Email Notifications-Quick_Reference.

What would you like to do?   

1. Send instant email

2. Change your sender email settings

3. Enable/disable site-level email notifications

4. Preview an email notification

5. Edit an email notification

6. Customize the header and footer for site-level email notifications

See Also

        Email Settings

        Instant Email Notifications

        Email Server Settings

        Edit Site-Level Email Notifications